Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest Alliance envisions a world where people and nature thrive in harmony. They are an international non-profit organisation working at the intersection of business, agriculture and forests. They aim to create a better future for people and nature by making responsible business the new normal.
Every organisation or individual wanting to contribute to the activities of Rainforest Alliance can be a donor.
Rainforest Alliance has longstanding partnerships with smallholder farmers, forest communities, industry actors all through the supply chain, as well as public actors.
Key activities
The Rainforest Alliance’s new strategy guides their partners—from smallholder farmers and forest communities to corporate and civil society allies across Latin America, Africa, and Asia—in accelerating their sustainability impact. They harness the power of the market to drive positive social, environmental, and economic change along entire supply chains, across landscapes that are critically important to the climate stability. The farming and forest communities they work with are on the front lines of some of the most urgent challenges: climate change, deforestation, and rural poverty. They support frontline communities in responding to these challenges through a comprehensive, 360-degree approach that centres sustainable livelihoods.
The Rainforest Alliance is an established global leader in sustainability certification—a powerful, proven tool for advancing best practices for land use, farm management, and the stewardship of natural resources. However, after decades of experience in the field and collaboration with allies along the supply chain, they know that that in order to drive deeper sustainability transformation, a certification system must be supported by an enabling environment. For this reason, they have reimagined certification as a journey of continuous improvement, fortified by advanced monitoring techniques and complementary interventions. Rather than a pass-fail model focused solely on compliance, their new certification model measures and incentivises progress along the entire sustainability journey.
Signature projects/tools
- ‘Project Guatemala’: Women Make Strides in Sustainable Coffee Cultivation (https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/business/commodity/coffee/)
- Boosting Climate Resilience and Rural Incomes in Honduras (https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/articles/boosting-climate-resilience-rural-incomes-honduras)
Priority Countries and corresponding areas of activities
Honduras: Child labour – Deforestation – Sustainable supply development
Brazil: Forced labour – Water management
Colombia: Living Income – Water management – Biodiversity
Ethiopia: Labour conditions – Living income
Vietnam: Pesticide and water management – Forced and child labour