Meeting the SDGs: Challenges for the Coffee Value Chain. Shared Solutions to coffee price levels, volatility and long-term sustainability
On 6 June 2019, the International Coffee Organization (ICO), in partnership with the European Coffee Federation and the European Commission, will organise an interactive symposium ‘Meeting the SDGs: Challenges for the Coffee Value Chain. Shared Solutions to coffee price levels, volatility and long-term sustainability’. The symposium will take place at the Albert Borschette Congress Center in Brussels, Belgium.
This symposium is the fifth event held as part of the ICO’s ‘Structured Sector-Wide Dialogue’ to implement Resolution 465 on Coffee Price Levels. This symposium will bring together coffee sector stakeholders, policy-makers, academia, civil society and development partners to identify solutions for a sustainable and inclusive development of the coffee sector in a spirit of shared values and responsibility.
Please note that for security reasons, prior registration is mandatory to attend the symposium. For further information and to register, please click here.