ECF currently represents 16 national associations and 42 company members across Europe speaking for over 700 companies, ranging from SMEs to internationally operating companies. The Federation represents an estimated total import volume of 40 million coffee bags, or approximately 35% of the world coffee trade volume.

The ECF members meet regularly at committee meetings, workshops, seminars, as well as during Council meetings. These meetings give members the opportunity to discuss and agree on actions to be taken regarding priority topics, always in compliance with the Antitrust laws and with the principle of subsidiarity.

Who can become a member?

ECF membership is open to:

  • National associations representative of the coffee trade and industry in the EU member states, as well as national associations from non-EU European countries.
  • Companies actively engaged in the coffee trade and industry, with significant coffee operations in EU member states and non-EU European countries.


Being a member of the European Coffee Federation, you will benefit from:

  • Information and monitoring on policy aspects likely to affect the European coffee sector. This will allow you to anticipate future European political, legislative and regulatory developments and plan ahead
  • A community in which you will collaborate with partners to better profile the sector and play an active role in shaping the position of the European coffee sector to influence European and national decision-makers
  • Access to exclusive information on specific studies on topics of common interest in the economic, scientific and regulatory fields
  • An excellent network with other ECF members and European associations, as well as with political leaders at a European and international level.

For further information or if you are interested in joining us, please do not hesitate to contact us.