ITC Roundtable on Deforestation-free Global Value Chains


Fighting against global deforestation and forest degradation at the international level has become a worldwide priority, and the European Union is developing a proposal for a new regulation on “deforestation-free” products. The International Trade Centre (ITC), an agency of the United Nations based in Switzerland, is convening four rounds of private-public consultations and development of concrete plans of actions for “Deforestation-free Global Value Chains” in priority commodities sectors, such as soy, cocoa and coffee. 

A network of private and public partners, industry federations and associations respond to the challenge of Deforestation-free Global Value Chains by:

  • Nurturing the existing initiatives that support deforestation-free supply chains through responsible sourcing policies; sharing best practices, innovative approaches and building on existing platforms;
  • Unpacking methodologies and approaches that enable deforestation-free supply chains through in-depth review of existing models and approaches to traceability and chain-of-custody;
  • Adopting joint resolutions and plan of actions including public statements to advance discussions on the new proposed regulation of the European Union on deforestation-free products.

The four rounds of consultations will take place on: 

  • 29 March 2022, 1.30 – 3.30 pm CET: First roundtable “Producing countries considerations to deforestation-free products: the state of play in soy, cocoa and coffee sectors” – online;
  • 5 May 2022, 1.30 – 3.30 pm CET: Second roundtable “Industry responses to deforestation: methodologies & approaches implemented in Global Value Chains” – online;
  • 9 June 2022, 1.30 – 3.30 pm CET: Third roundtable ” Implications of the new EU regulation on deforestation-free products”– online. Please consult the agenda here;
  • September 2022 (exact date tbc): Fourth roundtable “Roadmap and practical set of  recommendations to implement deforestation-free policies that are WTO compatible” – in person (Geneva, Switzerland)

If you would like to participate please register here.