AICS – Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo


AICS – the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – is one of key innovations established by the Italian law on international cooperation (Law No. 125/2014). The Agency began operating in January 2016, with the aim of aligning Italy with its principal European and global partners in the endeavor of development. Its basic model reflects that used in the main European countries, and it must comply with the demand for more professional and innovative forms of cooperation, involving the methodological flexibility necessary in a continuously evolving scenario.


CNR – Institute of Biometeorology; CIHEAM – International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies / IAM Bari; University of Florence; MATTM – Ministry of the Environment  and of the Protection of Land and Sea; ENEA – National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development; University of Rome Tor Vergata – CEIS; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.


The main fields of action are: economic development, human development, environment, rural development and food security; emergency and fragile states; sustainable development goals.


  • Cafè y Caffè” (Guatemala): not specified.
  • Honduras – Copan Coffee Fest, a chance of encounter, exchange and growth for the coffee value chain:


In the three-year period 2015-2017, the priority countries for Italian Cooperation are 20: Burkina Faso; Senegal; Niger; Ethiopia; Somalia; Sudan; South Sudan; Mozambique; Egypt; Tunisia; Lebanon; Palestine; Albania; Cuba; El Salvador; Afghanistan, Myanmar, Pakistan.