CIRAD, Agricultural Research for Development
CIRAD’s research is aimed at developing and promoting coffee production standards in line with the principles of sustainable development, that are also economically viable. CIRAD promotes the ecological functions of coffee-based agroforestry systems, fosters ecological intensification through integrated pest management, develops resistant varieties with a broader range of sensorial qualities, and manages the resources and ecological services rendered by agroforestry systems. CIRAD also assesses the impact of labels (organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance) on how export supply chains are organized in producing countries, as well as the impact of product diversification on how agroforestry systems function, and on coffee producers’ incomes.
CIRAD has the EU (H2020), ANR, Agropolis, Nestlé, Suntory and ECOM as donors.
Key activities
CIRAD’s activities focus on biodiversity and exploitation of genetic resources, through genetic resource management, varietal creation, breeding, molecular and cellular biology, physiology, seeds and reproduction systems. They also strive to optimize the production thanks to insect, weed and disease control, cropping practices and fertilization, production mechanization, rural development, fermentation and coffee promotion.
CIRAD does computer, mathematical and statistical modelling of coffee trees to integrate carbon balance and coffee growing into national development operations. They also develop sustainable disease resistance management strategies by identifying fungal pathogens, resistance sources, resistant varieties, and by analysing disease development in the field and fungal constraints in crop cycles.
Signature projects/tools
Project BREEDCAFS / BREEDing Coffee for AgroForestry System (
Priority Countries and corresponding areas of activities:
Cameroon: Climate change – Forest conservation & restoration
Costa Rica: Climate change – Forest conservation & restoration – Sourcing policies – Renovation – Standards/certification
Mexico: Climate change – Forest conservation & restoration – Sourcing policies – Renovation – Standards/certification
Nicaragua: Climate change – Forest conservation & restoration – Sourcing policies – Renovation – Standards/certificationVietnam: Climate change – Forest conservation & restoration – Sourcing policies – Renovation – Standards/certification