IKI – International Climate Initiative


International Climate Initiative (IKI) is one of the most important instruments of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) for the international financing of climate change mitigation and biodiversity. IKI operates within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), financing climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation in developing, emerging and transition countries.


IKI launched NDC’s Partnership. As a global alliance of governments and multilateral institutions, the NDCP aims to support emerging and developing countries in aligning their climate change mitigation goals with national development goals and to implement them rapidly, sustainably and effectively. The NDCP also seeks to create a foundation for bilateral and multilateral donor programmes, enabling them to focus even more specifically on national support needs and to coordinate efficiently.


The International Climate Initiative areas of support are:

  • Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions: in the mitigation context, IKI supports partner countries in the development and implementation of innovative instruments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is a transformation towards a sustainable and low-emission economy and supply structure. In the area of mitigation, the conceptual focus is on policy advice, capacity building and suitable training measures as well as technology cooperation.
  • Conserving biological diversity: in the funding area “Conserving biological diversity”, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports partner countries to implement the targets of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (Aichi Targets) of the International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).  IKI projects often deal with challenges that, in addition to preserving and sustaining the use of biodiversity, also address climate change or adaptation to the impacts of climate change and develop comprehensive solutions. Conversely, the conservation of biological diversity also plays a key role in IKI projects on ecosystem-based adaptation and natural carbon sinks.
  • Conserving natural carbon sinks/REDD+: in the funding area “Conserving natural carbon sinks/REDD+”, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports partner countries in particular in implementing the international mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD +) as well as projects to support the approach of forest and landscape restoration “FLR” as part of the Bonn Challenge.
  • Adapting to the impacts of climate change: in the funding area “Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change”, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) is supporting particularly vulnerable countries and regions in increasing their capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change. The support focuses on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), instruments for the risk management of climate-related extreme events, such as innovative insurance solutions, as well as the development and implementation of national adaptation strategies.



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