Initiative for Coffee&Climate


Since 2010, the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) implements its vision to enable coffee farmers worldwide to adapt to climate change. With current commitments of coffee companies and public partners farming families the initiative directly supports coffee smallholder families and their communities to effectively respond to climate change and improve resilience.

Due to varying weather conditions, the extensive expertise of c&c encourages practical adaptation and further developing sustainable production methods which secure higher yields and return of investment.

Thus, c&c promotes a coordinated effort of dedicated members within the coffee sector. The aim is to enable smallholder coffee farming families to better respond to climate change in the short and long term by increasing their adaptive capacity and resilience.


The initiative for coffee&climate (c&c) was established by a group of dedicated coffee companies in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The initiative has been coordinated and implemented by the Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) since its inception.

The Funding members are Gustav Paulig Ltd, Joh. Johannson Kaffe AS, Löfbergs Lila AB, Neumann Gruppe GmbH, Tchibo, Fondazione Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Onlus. The Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) joined the initiative in 2012, also as member of the Steering Committee. Further partners have joined the initiative: Franck d.d, Tim Hortons (both in 2012), Ecom Coffee (2012-2015), Sustainable Coffee Program (SCP) composed of Nestlé, Mondelez, Olam, Jacobs Douwe Egberts and the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) (2013-2016), Starbucks and Conservation International (2015-2019). Delta Cafés and Langen Kaffee have supported the gender component of phase II of the initiative.

Key Activities:

Train coffee producers and their trainers using the c&c methodology, test, consolidate and promote best climate adaptation and mitigation practices through the c&c toolbox, strengthen coffee communities by supporting them to develop and implement their own climate adaptation plans, build alliances of implementing partners to locally raise awareness of climate change.

c&c continues to identify, evaluate, and disseminate new expertise like the reduction of carbon emissions, the increase of the carbon storage potential and the generation of CO2 certificates, innovative technology like digital solutions and a landscape perspective. Generated experiences on gender and safe handling of agrochemicals are incorporated in all priority countries.

Signature Projects/Tools

  • Through a ‘Training of Trainers’ format more than 800 local trainers have been qualified to make use of the coffee&climate approach and promote the implementation of coffee&climate practices.
  • More than 31 community adaptation plans have been facilitated and implemented including topics such as zero tolerance for wildfire and deforestation, water source protection and natural resource management.
  • More than 85,000 smallholder coffee families supported by 2019 to increase their resilience to climate change.

Priority Countries: