LIFT by Mercon Coffee Group


Mercon Coffee Group is a purpose-led global green coffee supplier with Origin companies in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil and Vietnam.

LIFT is Mercon’s farmers multi-services delivery platform to improve the sustainable wellbeing of coffee farmers. With the LIFT Program, farmers improve their performance on productivity, quality, socio-environmental practices, including climate smart practices. The impact is monitored through a LIFT Index, the weighted index based on a set of KPIs. Farms, mainly smallholders, enrolling into the program receive individual farm improvement plans based on their baseline. Farms receive technical assistance and extension services, certification services. In addition to that LIFT farmers in Nicaragua also receive planting material and short and long-term credit.


Among the main supply chain partners are Mercon, Paulig, illycaffé, Lavazza, Peets, S&D, J.M. Smuckers, Caffe Nero, Reily, Lofbergs, Ronnoco. The improvement of the LIFT Index and the growth of the LIFT program are third-party verified targets for the Sustainability-linked revolving credit facility of Mercon Coffee Group, the first of its kind in the coffee sector, led by the Sustainability coordinators, Rabobank and ING.

Key activities

LIFT is currently serving over 3,000 farms with more than 80 agronomists in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil and Vietnam. Farms, mainly smallholders, enrolling into the program receive individual farm improvement plans based on their baseline. Farms receive technical assistance and extension services, certification services. In addition to that LIFT farmers in Nicaragua also receive planting material and short and long-term credit.

Signature projects/tools

The LIFT platform provides meaningful interconnected services to farmers to add value to their livelihoods. LIFT is a fully digitalized program thanks to the use of mobile technology. Data collection is done online and offline by the LIFT agronomists. Data are analyzed with a BI tool to create insights. In addition to that, data and insights about the LIFT farms and the households are transparently shared to supporting partners via a LIFT App to generate value to the industry through consumers engagement.

Priority Countries and corresponding areas of activities

Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil and Vietnam. Farmers profitability and adoption of best socio-environmental practices.