NKG BLOOM by Neumann Kaffee Gruppe


NKG BLOOM is the global sustainable-sourcing initiative of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), the world’s leading green coffee service group. It aims to positively impact smallholder coffee farmers’ livelihoods and to grow and strengthen NKG’s green coffee supply chains.

Mission: To positively advance coffee farming as a profitable business by focusing on coffee smallholders (maximum 30 hectares of planted coffee), providing farmers with access to needed services, and creating traceable and transparent supply chains through the day-to-day operations

of NKG export companies

Goal: To reach 300,000 coffee-farming families in 10 countries by 2030 with services that enable them to run their farms at full potential and meaningfully improve their livelihoods.


IDH the sustainable trade initiative, Rabobank, BNP Paribas, ABN AMRO, USAID, Mastercard Foundation, Mastercard Inc, Yara, IPC, NewForesight, Field Buzz. 

Key activities

Enabling farmers to realize their full potential: technical assistance, financing, market access, information services, high quality inputs, renovation, infrastructure

Inclusive sustainability: working with farmers to meet social and environmental standards

Transparency and traceability: track records for farmers, efficient management of the Farmer Services Unit and a roaster interface to link coffee deliveries with work in origin

Signature projects/tools:

https://nkgbloom.coffee/, https://uganda.nkgbloom.coffee/

Priority countries and corresponding areas of activities

Uganda: Provision of high-quality fertilizer, mobile money advances and payments, financial literacy and Good Agricultural Practices training

Kenya: IT system for cooperatives’ management, working capital and longer-term financing, technicians at cooperatives, provision of high-quality inputs, infrastructure investments.

Mexico: Provision of high-quality inputs, long-term financing, technical assistance, seedling and renovation, digital payments.

Honduras: Long-term financing, provision of high-quality inputs, technical assistance, seedlings, infrastructure support

More countries will start in the upcoming years.